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Is there any light in the darkest valley?

It was Sunday and quite cloudy. It was still 4:30 p.m. but already getting dark.   I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air, hoping that my cold and headache would get better. At first, I wasn't so sure to do that, because it started to windy too. 80% could be rained on in a few minutes, and still, I kept going outside. After that scar on August 2021, I avoid listening to music while I walk. Instead, I prefer listening to podcasts. This helped me at least to stop focusing on the pain. The sermons keep "cleansing" and "preparing" me for everything ahead, including His plan in this uncertain world. And I am very thankful for that.  The podcast I listened was the very first Arche Jugend podcast this year. It was about the grace of God in connection with His justice (Psalm 103). One of the messages was: *"Imagine standing alone before a hungry lion with no weapons or anything to save you from it. You will become directly afraid of being attacked and eat...
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Resilient in Silence: Let Fear Wake You Up.

When fear takes over. When the darkness seems revealing its power. When the sun is not by your side. You feel alone, rejected, unwanted. The fear tries to shut you down. The worries are stealing your hope. It feels like everyone is leaving you, judging you.  Even the person you trust the most does not trust you and choose to leave you. What's left? who are you running to now?  Fear. It is where depression starts. You would not understand what fear is, until you lose something or someone. Money, home, relationship, security, assurance, dignity, comfort, health, work, hope, anything. And you would not understand what fearlessness is until you have ever experienced any fear. Let’s think of Gethsemane for some minutes. Let’s think about the loneliness, the rejection, the fear, the betrayal, and the death, that someone has gone through. Someone, who knows exactly how it feels. Someone, who literally knows you and your pain better than anyone else on this earth. Someone, who...

… do it all for the glory of…me?

  What is the first thing we think and do when we wake up in the morning? What do we desire the most? What worries us the most? What is our greatest fear? What makes us very sad? What makes us very happy? All the questions above can help us find out who or what we worship every day. For we humans are worshipping beings. There is always something we desire the most. Either ourselves, our money, our career, our study, or even our relationship with another human. All these temporal things fill our lives every day. Well is it wrong to do this stuff? No. We may and must do that, even anything! But...  “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial.  “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive”                                                          ...

When you choose to love.

When you choose to love is when you dare to forget yourself. When you choose to love, you are opening the door to your heart and giving that person great access to you. You get a sense of belonging and being filled, you let him look at the walls of your heart's chamber, get to know your heart package. He examines what your heart needs. He studies every scratch and wound of the past, your fears and comfort zones now, and your dreams and hopes for the future. He sees you. When the observation stage is complete... it is when he is used to dwelling in your heart. He gently touches the part of your heart that might be clearing up the trash and old glass. He made a container made of white gold that ensures your heart's happiness. You're touched. Your heart is satisfied. You are addicted and depend very much on his work. You think that then he already knows you well. Slowly you sow the seeds of your dependence on his presence. Without you knowing it, his presence is like a sharp k...

Jumat, 15 Januari 1993 – Jumat, 15 Januari 2021

Bukan lonceng gereja yang ku dengar saat ku terbangun. Bukan kaos kaki musim dingin yang ku kenakan saat ku mulai beraktivitas. Melainkan suara adzan yang merdu meski kurang jelas karena tebalnya dinding kamar hotel ini. Suara adzan yang mengisi hari-hari ku, setidaknya selama 21 tahun... aku bernostalgia bersama pikiranku. Aku masih di tanah airku. Ter kurung di dalam penjara bintang empat. 11.01.2021 I arrived in Singapore. “We are so sorry, Ms. You must go back to Jakarta. You can’t do transit here.” “What? how about the rest of my tickets?” “You can ask them at the gate” Aku mendapatkan surat peringatan dari pemerintah singapur, karena tetap datang tanpa ada surat jaminan dari orang singapur bahwa aku datang dengan “damai” untuk transit di tempat ini. Jika aku ketahuan bersalah karena tetap melakukan penerbangan ini, aku akan dikenakan pasal tertentu. Jika aku di kemudian hari melakukan hal yang serupa lagi, aku juga akan dikenakan pasal tertentu. Tunggu sebentar.....


We..are..the..world .. Yesterday afternoon (31.07.) while I was still working, I saw a crowd of police and medical officers form a circle formation. They were examining a man who lay pale unconscious. As I could see more clearly, I recognized the man's face perfectly. He often begs and sells newspapers around the station. I do not know what happened so he must be rushed by the officers. Is it maybe because he has not eaten .. or die of thirst .. I do not know.  In the evening as usual all the leftovers should be thrown away. In the midst of the crust cleared up all the equipment, my co-worker said suddenly 'it's a pity this food every day should be thrown away. Many people are starving. God is not fair'. I was shocked, and the timing was very unsuitable to respond to his statement because he was in a hurry. Yes, the world has been destroyed since the sin of man to His God. The rich get richer, the poor become poorer, oppression, deprivation of human rights...

25=2920 Hari.

Satu sudut di stasiun utama kota Hamburg, menjadi tempatku sementara ini untuk mengais rejeki demi melanjutkan sekolah.  Satu sudut cafe yang menjual berbagai jenis kopi dan juga makanan untuk sarapan, makan siang, dan juga roti untuk makan malam.  Sudut yang ramah untuk jadi tempat menyapa segala jenis wajah dan menikmati keletihan.  Minggu-minggu terakhir diusiaku yang kedua puluh empat dilalui di sudut ini.  Suatu malam yang ramai dan dingin, aku menyapa seorang kakek yang menghampiri cafe kami. Wajahnya terlihat lelah. Samar-samar aku mengingat raut mukanya dan suaranya yang begitu pelan. Kedua kakinya disanggah dengan tongkat khusus manula untuk membantunya berjalan.  M: „Hallo, bitte schön der Herr, was möchten Sie gerne?“ (Hallo silahkan Pak, ingin memesan apa?) H: „Ich hätte gern ein schwarzes Brot, das da.“ (Saya mau roti schwarz* yang itu tolong) „Meinen Sie das?“ (Yang ini maksud Anda?) „Ja genau“ (Iya betul) „Zum hier essen od...