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Resilient in Silence: Let Fear Wake You Up.

When fear takes over.
When the darkness seems revealing its power.
When the sun is not by your side.
You feel alone, rejected, unwanted.
The fear tries to shut you down.
The worries are stealing your hope.
It feels like everyone is leaving you, judging you. 
Even the person you trust the most does not trust you and choose to leave you.

What's left? who are you running to now? 

Fear. It is where depression starts. You would not understand what fear is, until you lose something or someone. Money, home, relationship, security, assurance, dignity, comfort, health, work, hope, anything.

And you would not understand what fearlessness is until you have ever experienced any fear.

Let’s think of Gethsemane for some minutes. Let’s think about the loneliness, the rejection, the fear, the betrayal, and the death, that someone has gone through. Someone, who knows exactly how it feels. Someone, who literally knows you and your pain better than anyone else on this earth. Someone, who loves you even unto death. He left His throne and kingdom for you. He is the One, who is preparing that place now for you as you finish your calling on this earth. He is Jesus from Nazareth.

What would he do if he were in your place right now? Ask this question every time fear overtakes you. What has he done in the four books of gospel, as He was still on this earth.

He already chose to love. He chose to forgive. He chose to win. So now if you’d ask Him, He would choose to love too. He would choose to forgive too. He would choose to win too.

Even though the darkness seems happy and glorious now, it won’t stay that way forever. If satan reminds you of your past, your mistakes, your sins, remind him of his future. 
Even if the darkness tries to intimidate you with the sin you’ve done, it will not be able to take the grace given by God. Not even close.

“Even though I walk through the valley of deep darkness,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
 your rod and your staff,
they comfort me” – Psalm 23,4

What is the meaning of suffering on this earth compared to the most beautiful eternal reward that has never existed on this earth?

He chose to take your place. You are His. And He is yours. If God, the King and the Maker of stars, sun and moon is by your side, every enemy will tremble. Even your fear.
Fear may not shut us down, it shall wake us up. 

Go get ready and win.

With love,


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