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We..are..the..world ..

Yesterday afternoon (31.07.) while I was still working, I saw a crowd of police and medical officers form a circle formation. They were examining a man who lay pale unconscious. As I could see more clearly, I recognized the man's face perfectly. He often begs and sells newspapers around the station. I do not know what happened so he must be rushed by the officers. Is it maybe because he has not eaten .. or die of thirst .. I do not know. 

In the evening as usual all the leftovers should be thrown away. In the midst of the crust cleared up all the equipment, my co-worker said suddenly 'it's a pity this food every day should be thrown away. Many people are starving. God is not fair'. I was shocked, and the timing was very unsuitable to respond to his statement because he was in a hurry.

Yes, the world has been destroyed since the sin of man to His God. The rich get richer, the poor become poorer, oppression, deprivation of human rights, greed, jealousy, thirst for power, adultery, etc ... Nevertheless God is still merciful sustaining human life to this day. Still willing to give His sun and bring down rain for the righteous and not. And more than that, Jesus Christ was willing to come down into this world, to abandon His throne and to get it back, to be low but exalted, tempted but victorious, betrayed but forgiving, and dying on the cross but rising. We really do not deserve this grace. If we understand this, wages or rewards in heaven will not be our motivation to pray and do good deeds for others.

This video is just a small example to remind us again to pray for this world and to struggle to help them. Starting from the smallest thing perhaps, like stop thinking (just) about ourselves. 

Feel free to click, maybe you'd find your favorite singer as well ;) 


All Love,


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Is there any light in the darkest valley?

It was Sunday and quite cloudy. It was still 4:30 p.m. but already getting dark.   I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air, hoping that my cold and headache would get better. At first, I wasn't so sure to do that, because it started to windy too. 80% could be rained on in a few minutes, and still, I kept going outside. After that scar on August 2021, I avoid listening to music while I walk. Instead, I prefer listening to podcasts. This helped me at least to stop focusing on the pain. The sermons keep "cleansing" and "preparing" me for everything ahead, including His plan in this uncertain world. And I am very thankful for that.  The podcast I listened was the very first Arche Jugend podcast this year. It was about the grace of God in connection with His justice (Psalm 103). One of the messages was: *"Imagine standing alone before a hungry lion with no weapons or anything to save you from it. You will become directly afraid of being attacked and eat

“Pergeseran perspektif dan budaya pada perkawinan adat Batak zaman sekarang khususnya di kota-kota besar”

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