I am extremely hard to receive that, what I felt some years ago in the elementary school, is happening to my lil sister. Permit me to go back to the past for some minutes. By the way I have done my days at SDN 04 Rumbai. I’ve done it successfully. Things, those gave me things to know things, to understand things, to stand on the right side. I got it already at this school. So much worth it than I watch Indonesian’s homeworks at TV (re: Corruption, Actress’ broken life, etc.). Before I continue my writing, and before you guys reading this, just keep on thinking positive and be neutral. I believe that you wouldn't mind to do that as a gentleman or an awesome woman. It’s no problem for me that we aren’t doing this directly. So I think you must learn how to have faith for what you haven’t even seen before. Even that’s a deal for choosing to get the ‘life’ or throw it away. IYKWIM. I am the only one Christian in my class (alm...